
Dimitrios Gatsiounis


Dimitrios Gatsiounis


Prior to embarking on his Master’s, Mr. Gatsiounis was a talk radio host on WNYE 91.5 FM in New York City. The birth of his first child, Lucinda, in 2004 changed everything. “Prior to Lucinda, developing my radio work took priority. After her birth, I became utterly engaged in the process of human development. I saw in Lucinda remnants of myself, of course, a gateway, if you will, into considering my own past experience, and yet I in turn recognized that I could use this understanding to foster a uniquely empathic upbringing for her.”

It was around this time that BGSP began offering a Master’s Program, which addressed several factors integral to that process: observing—others and oneself—intently and openly; tolerating a vast range of emotional states; and deciphering symbolic communication.

That said, what Mr. Gatsiounis found was far from expected. “The Master’s program remains the great educational experience of my life, a perfect blend of the intellectual and emotional that has most effectively prepared me for actual success in the world. A strong case could be made that it is an educational ideal.”

Mr. Gatsiounis intends to open a private psychoanalytic practice in the near future. He is currently pursuing a Psy.D at California Graduate Institute in Los Angeles, where he resides with his wife, Wendy, and their three children: Lucinda, 3, Lucien, 2, and, most recently, Lucás.