

The BGSP & NYGSP libraries are home to over 5,000 books and journals, and acts as an excellent research and resource center with access to an extensive collection of journals and articles through our online databases.


Please click here to login for access to online databases.

Please click here for the library catalog.

Laura Covino
Director of Library Services

Library Orientation

Library Hours & Contact Information

The library is open for student use year-round, weekdays from 9 AM until about 8:30 PM. This includes the summer (other than August break) and weeks when no classes are scheduled. The library is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Our librarian is Ms. Laura Covino. Her hours are Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 3-8 PM, and Thursday, 1:30-6:30 PM.

You can reach Ms. Covino at librarian@cmps.edu or 212-260-7050 x15.

Before your first class:

Obtain the syllabi for your classes. You can find copies of syllabi in the library, and posted below. Or – contact Ms. Covino and she can email them to you.

Establish a copy account, needed for the library copiers and printing from library PCs. You can set up your account with Ms. Covino or with Mr. Kabir de Leeuw at the front desk. Copying and printing costs 10¢/page, or 50¢/page for color.

Obtain and read any assignments for your first week of classes. Readings are normally available to copy in the file cabinet near the copiers – check the syllabus for any special instructions.

If you can, stop by to meet Ms. Covino and get a quick tour of the library.

Syllabi and Reading Lists

Class Syllabi – Fall 2024


The library has wi-fi – ask for network and password information. Outlets are available near study tables.

PEP Database (Fulltext Psychoanalytic Literature)

You’ll receive a password for PEP early in your first semester, giving you PEP access from your own computer or mobile device. PEP is also available on library computers at www.pep-web.org – no password is needed in the library.

PEP contains fulltext psychoanalytic literature, including Freud’s Standard Edition. Depending on the class, many of your assigned readings may be available through PEP.

For tutorials and further information, visit the PEP links below.

For in-person tutorials and help with specific PEP questions, contact Ms. Covino by phone, email, or by visiting the library during her hours. At faculty request, she will also provide PEP training in the classroom.

Library Layout

On entering the library, the first room you’ll see contains the library copiers, readings, and reference collection. In this room, you can talk, eat, and use your phone.

The two back rooms contain the library’s circulating collection and PCs for student use. These are maintained as quiet study rooms. Eating and phone use are not permitted, and talking should be kept to a quiet minimum.

Library Catalog

Click here for the library’s online book catalog. You can send hold requests for library items directly through the catalog.

The collection is organized by Library of Congress call numbers – not by author. To find a book’s location, you’ll need to look it up in the catalog.

Additional Resources

Log in to the MyCampus App with a Blackbaud ID

Check the Resources and NOVEL sections below for additional research links. We also provide interlibrary loan service for items not in our collection, as well as referrals to other academic libraries in NYC.

Interlibrary Loan

The Library provides interlibrary loan service to students and faculty at no charge, including borrowing books and obtaining copies of journal articles. Please note:

For All Interlibrary Loan Requests

  • Include as complete a citation as possible
  • Submit your requests in writing:  Either paper or email (librarian@cmps.edu) is fine.
  • Allow 2-3 weeks for items to arrive: They may come sooner, but we can’t promise rush service. If you need materials quickly, ask the librarian for a referral to area libraries, where you can use their collections onsite.

For Books

  • You can have two interlibrary loan books out at a time: To request more than two books, submit a list arranged in order of priority. As you return borrowed items, requests will be submitted for the next books in line.
  • If you need the book(s) for longer than the loan period, request a renewal prior to the due date: Renewals are usually granted by the lending library, but aren’t guaranteed. Please be prepared to return books on their due date.
  • A book can be borrowed by an individual one time, and renewed one time: Interlibrary loan isn’t a substitute for purchasing books. If you need the book for an extended period, please buy a personal copy. Or, If you think it would make a good addition to our collection, let the librarian know, and it will be evaluated for possible library purchase.

The late fee is $5/day for interlibrary loan books returned after their due date.

If books are lost or damaged while in your care, you’ll be charged the full replacement cost as determined by the lending library.

NOVEL Databases

Through the New York State Library’s NOVEL program, students and faculty can search databases that include fulltext academic journals not in PEP, as well as other materials.

If you’re on a library PC, the links below will automatically log you in. To use the databases at home, please contact the librarian for the password.

Psychology Collection: powered by InfoTrac, Psychology Collection brings together information found in nearly 500 journals, with a strong emphasis on fulltext titles cited in PsycINFO.

Academic OneFile: a source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles (numbering in the millions) from the world’s leading journals and reference sources. With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects, Academic OneFile is both authoritative and comprehensive. Includes full-text coverage of the New York Times back to 1995.

Infotrac Newsstand: this full-text newspaper database has several New York Newspapers including the New York Times from 1995 on, and over 1,000 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers.

PEP Database

The PEP (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing) database contains fulltext journal articles and books, including Freud’s Standard Edition, and is the primary research tool in the psychoanalytic field.

What’s included in the database?
Go to the PEP site and look in the Journals or Books tabs for up-to-date information.

How do I get full access to articles?
Faculty and currently registered students of NYGSP and CMPS receive individual logins from the librarian. We’re unable to provide subscriptions to alumni or students on leave, but you’re welcome to use PEP onsite on the library PCs. To obtain your own subscription, see PEP’s rates here.

The article I want isn’t coming up fulltext. How do I get it?
PEP doesn’t provide fulltext for the most recent few years – currently, anything after 2009. We might have the journal you’re looking for in the library or we should be able to obtain it elsewhere, so contact the librarian. Note that Psychoanalytic Quarterly publishes abstracts of articles that have appeared in other journals, and the journal containing that original article may not be in PEP.

Are my class readings on PEP?
PEP is provided to students as a general research tool. Depending on your class syllabus, some of your readings may be available through PEP, but faculty are free to choose readings from other sources. You can compare your syllabi to the PEP resource lists on their site, and remember that all class readings are on reserve in the library.

PEP Tutorials



Finding a specific journal article on PEP 

Finding a chapter from Freud’s Standard Edition on PEP 

Searching for a single word (“subject”) on PEP