
Events Calendar

Some Observations on the Psychodynamics of Race, Caste, Class, and Ethnic Differences in the Analytic Dyad (In-person Presentation)

Campus of NYGSP and CMPS 16 W 10th St, New York, New York, United States

Annie Lee Jones explores the shifting meanings of racialized experiences in the psychoanalytic dyad as differences along the lines of caste, class, race, and ethnicity emerge in the treatment.  These differences are not just between people of different races–there are caste, class, and ethnic variations within the blackness or whiteness of analyst and analysand–and they

“Truth shall spring out of the earth”: The Analyst as Gatherer of Sense Impressions (Online Presentation)

In this presentation, Avner Bergstein will reflect on our attempt to approach the unknowable, ultimate reality of the psychoanalytic experience and the unrepressed unconscious.  He will trace Bion's evolving thinking about the analyst's intuition as a primary tool in this endeavor.  In exploring the clinical implications of psychoanalytic intuition, he will highlight the perpetual to-and-fro

Psychoanalysis and Psychotic States (Online Presentation)

via Zoom

Practitioners and General Public: $40  |  Students: Free The presentation will begin with the question “What is Psychosis?” and examine ways it is defined from medical and psychiatric perspectives.  Then various

NYGSP Virtual Open House

The New York Graduate School of Psychoanalysis is for people whose highest degree at the time of admission is a bachelor’s degree and are interested in obtaining an MA in

Self-Criticism as a Lifeline (Presentation via Zoom)

There is a type of patient one sees in psychoanalysis who is surrounded by criticism like a cloud.  Since Freud’s paper on Mourning and Melancholia various authors have addressed this

CANCELED: Transference: Neurotic and Psychotic

THIS EVENT HAS BE CANCELED This workshop will broaden the notion of transference from the Freudian view of it as a repetition of a past situation, which fits work with

Annual Conference

via Zoom

Via Zoom A Conspiracy of Silence:  Identifying Racism in the Consulting Room and Analytic Institute FEATURED SPEAKERS: BEVERLY STOUTE AND ANTON HART Silence is an essential clinical tool that can